Rainbow Snippet May 25-26


Hello Snippeteers,

I’m celebrating this week because I submitted my erotic paranormal romance duology with Megan Hart to my editor at NineStar press. Today’s Rainbow Snippet is from my story in the duology, Shifting Flames.

Eve and Celeste have been two of my favorite characters to write and I expect that I will write more paranormal romances after dipping my fingers into the genre, so to speak.   I’m taking some time off this summer to noodle my next series and spend some time with my family but I will keep up with snips. Be sure to check out the other fabulous snips from other others at #rainbowsnippets

From Shifting Flames:

After lunch Eve returned to the study. Celeste was standing at the window her hand against the pane of glass, staring out at the valley.

“Are you okay?” Eve placed the cup of coffee she had brought with her on the desk.

Celeste turned from the window and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m sorry for before. I’m ready to work now.”

Eve sat and opened her laptop. “Why don’t we set some guidelines, map out what is most important to you as a storyteller, then we’ll work through the scenes and dialogue to make that happen.”

“Are you a magician? You think we can really tell the story in one-hundred ten scenes? I must have been mad to agree to this.” Celeste turned back to the window, her hands clenched into fists.

“Look at me.”

Celeste turned back to Eve.

“We can do this. It may not be exactly what you want but if you’re serious we can make this happen. Trust me. Please.” Eve held Celeste’s gaze. “Don’t give up on this.”

Celeste rested her hands on her hips and inclined her head toward the window and the snowstorm outside. “It’s not like I could send you away.”

Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexy times, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local library and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  For news about upcoming releases, appearances, sneak peeks and giveaways sign Up for her email list at  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 


Rainbow Snippet May 11- 12

Hello Snippeteers,

I’ve been hard at work on my paranormal romance and this week I have a snip for you. This a first draft so somethings may change.  I hope you enjoy Eve and Celeste as much as well I’ve enjoyed writing them.

From Shifting Flames:

The ride in back to her house did nothing to cool the desire that had stirred in Celeste after her initial meeting with Eve. Her foiled hunt had left her beast restless and hungry. Not hungry. Famished. Starving. The press of Eve’s body against her fanned the embers of a long banked fire. So long. Ten years. So long since she had even entertained the idea of indulging her needs. A wet ache settled between her legs.  Eve’s surprising push-back was refreshing after the succession of spineless screenwriters sent to work with her, each one convinced that working with Celeste to bring her perennial  best selling novel to the big screen would make their careers. Not this one. She knows her worth. Owns her power.   

The anger and rage that flashed in Eve’s chestnut brown eyes when Celeste challenged her had stirred her blood and desire had flared within her body.  Memories of Eve’s wild mane of dark hair framing her high cheekbones and angular face and the way her full mouth had pulled into a snarl when Celeste had teased her about working naked made saliva pool in Celeste’s mouth as she thought about kissing the impatient expression off her face. She gave over to her fantasy as she navigated the track back to the house.  Celeste mulled Eve’s possible response if she pushed her a harder, would she cave? Become another obsequious disappointment? Or would she rise to the occasion and give Celeste what she had craved since Lorraine’s passing.

Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

Brenda Murphy writes erotic romance. Her novel, Knotted Legacy, made The Lesbian Review’s Top 100 Vacation Reads list for 2018. She loves sideshows and tattoos and yes, those are her monkeys. When she is not loitering at her local library, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot. She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here. For sneak peeks, more a few rants and news about upcoming releases, sign up for her email list here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 

When You’ve Lost the Thread

It’s been a while since I’ve written about writing, mostly because I’ve found a system for fast-draft writing that has worked with my ADHD. I used my system for seven novels and I’ve been comfortable with the results. I have never been a detailed outliner. I work from a scene list and character goal-motivation and conflict sheets and let my story evolve organically within that framework. I typically draft a 60-65K novel in four to six weeks and then spend three to four weeks revising and editing my draft before submitting it.
Trusting in my system, I used it with my current project, a novella-length paranormal romance with dual points of view. With this project, because I needed to attend to two character’s points of view, along with paranormal conventions, I’ve been feeling my way along the story, and it was going well, slowly, but well.
And then I needed to take some time after my brother-in-law’s death. I set my story aside for three weeks, and when I started working on my novella again, I was lost. I couldn’t remember what I had written, or where I was going in the story.
Because my way of working falls somewhere between a painter and a plotter I used a technique that is a routine part of my revision process, I printed out what I had written and reverse outlined the story as a way of figuring out what I needed to do to complete my draft.
After reviewing my outline I know I need to write six more scenes to finish my first draft and have about 13K words to complete those scenes and stay within my word count limit.
What is a reverse outline? It involves reading what you’ve written and then creating an outline from that document. It can be detailed or brief as it fits your style. For me, it’s a one-sentence description of what happens in each scene.
I don’t stop to edit my work. I merely outline my story as it stands. After I have completed the outline I read over it to assess if my scenes flow as they should, that my story beats are where they should be, and in this case that I’ve given equal time to each character’s point of view. I use highlighters to tag types of scenes and transitions.
It is the simplest way I’ve found to check structure and beats, and if you have lost your way, it is a road map back to your central story and ensures that critical elements of your novel are not missing. If you struggle with plotting and structure, try adding a reverse outline to your routine revision process.
This time a reverse outline was a way of finding my way back to writing after a family tragedy, and another step toward preventing my grief from keeping my words bottled up.
Will a reverse outline work for everyone? Nope. If you are detailed outliner and are able to stick to your outline religiously, it might be redundant, as a plotser (panter+plotter) it is essential for me. Try it the next time you’re stuck and take advantage of a simple way to assess your story structure.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Sign Up for her email list here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 


Rainbow Snippet March 9-10

Hello Snippeteers, I’m celebrating this weekend as my fifth novel in the Rowan House Series, Double Six has been signed to NineStar Press. Elaine’s story was hella fun to write and I’m stoked to feature a snip this week from the manuscript.

From Double Six,

Elaine flicked the brush over Luna’s shoulder. Puffs of hair and dirt she had loosened with the curry comb floated through the air. “They’re going to be so disappointed. Fuck.” She moved along Luna’s body brushing her back and rump. “What the hell, Luna? One conversation and I blow this whole thing up.” Luna shuffled in the cross-ties, and Elaine dropped the brush in the grooming box. She picked up the soft finishing brush and moved to Luna’s head. “What am I going to do?”

“The first thing you might want to do is to stop asking your horse for advice and talk to a person,” Veronica yelled from the barn office.

“Oh, if only there was someone around to shower me with their wisdom.”

On cue, Veronica strode into view.

Elaine rolled her eyes. “Where were you? And how long have you been eavesdropping?”

“Having coffee with Millie. And long enough to know you fucked up with Petra.”

Elaine rolled her eyes. “I did not ‘fuck up’ she’s too sensitive. I mean really, what kind of Domme is she if she gets her feelings bent so easily?”

“A Domme trying to find a place where she’ll be accepted as a person, and not as an exotic caricature, or Asian stereotype. She’s looking for someplace or someone real.” Veronica crossed her arms across her chest. “And if you don’t stop glaring at me you’re going to sprain something. Not my fault if truth hurts.”

“I liked it better when you were afraid of me.”

Veronica guffawed. “You must be high. I’ve never been afraid of you.”

Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!). In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexy times, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Sign Up for her email list here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 


Rainbow Snippet March 2-3

Hello and welcome to another Rainbow Snippet. This week’s snip is from my WIP Shifting Flames. I had a rough start with this WIP but I’ve made more progress this week. Wishing you all a good week ahead.

From Shifting Flames:

Eve took her computer glasses off from Felix Gray and rubbed her eyes. “Sit down before you wear a hole in the floor. You’re like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”

Celeste frowned “What?”

Eve quirked her mouth. “It’s something my grandma used to say.”

Celeste smiled and laughed. Eve stared at her over the top of her computer. Her laugh. So rich. So sweet. Makes me want to kiss her. Again. Would it be so wrong? She said no. Honor that. Honor her.

Celeste stopped walking and rested her hand on her hip. “I haven’t heard that expression in years. My mother’s family was from Greenville Mississippi. Did you grow up in the south? I don’t hear an accent.”

Eve pushed her hair back with both hands. “I grew up in Atlanta. I worked long and hard to eradicate my accent.”

Celeste tilted her head. “I get that” She glanced at Eve’s computer screen. “Are you hungry?”

Don’t say it. Stay classy. Still can’t believe that kiss. What the hell was I thinking? “Yes. Should we stop for the day?”

“Yes. It’s late. I need to start supper.”

“You don’t have to cook for me.” Eve flushed. Smooth. She said she was hungry. Stop talking.

Celeste’s gaze settled on Eve. “I like to cook. It’s a pleasure for me.” She looked down and away. “I haven’t had anyone to… She trailed off. “It’s not a hardship.” She bought her gaze back to Eve’s face. “Don’t feel like you have to stop working. You don’t have to keep me company.”

Eve studied her face, the sadness that filled Celeste’s eyes. “I don’t cook for myself either when I’m alone. Let me back this up and I’m at your service.”

Celeste’s lips pulled into a half smile. “Be careful what you say, I might take you up on it.”

Rainbow Snippets (https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/ is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!). In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexy times, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys. When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot. She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here. Sign Up for her email list here www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole

Dominique and Other Stories


Rainbow Snip February 2-3


Hello Snippeteers,

It has been a freaky week here with crazy cold weather. I’ve never appreciated my fireplace more. This week’s snip is from Complex Dimensions, the fourth book in the Rowan House Series contracted to NineStar Press scheduled for release 2019.

From Complex Dimensions

The small hairs on Veronica’s arms stood up, and she sensed someone staring at her. She looked up, and into the darkest brown eyes, she had ever seen. The woman’s hair was slicked back, tight against her head, the smile on her face predatory. She rested her hand on her narrow waist, her large breasts marginally contained by the dark green corset she wore. “I’m Ashley.” The latecomer sat down next to Millie and pushed Myfanwy’s place setting to the side.

Oblivious to Millie’s sharp look, she kept her gaze fixed on Veronica’s face as she extended her hand. Her blood red nail polish matched the lipstick she was wearing. She licked her lower lip before she spoke. “Welcome. Has anyone given you a tour of the house?”

Veronica reached across the table and shook her hand briefly. “No. I…”

Millie’s spoke over Veronica, her voice hard-edged and direct. “She’s just arrived. And if she’s interested in a tour, I’ll assign someone.”

Roxie cleared her throat loudly. “Stay in your lane Ashley. As for tours,” Roxie’s eyes held a challenge, her tone icy, “you’ll have to get in line.”


Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.


Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Sign Up for her email list here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 


Rainbow Snippet Jan 26-27

Today is Sunday, the last Sunday in January and the start of a new week. I love Sundays. It’s my day for planning, taking some time to unwind and to prepare for the week ahead. I’m stoked because this week I will start on an erotic shifter romance that I have wanted to write since last spring. Today’s snip is from Double Six, the fifth book in the Rowan House series.

From Double Six:

Harsh sounds of their rough breathing filled the room as they held tight to each other. Petra lifted a shaky hand and reached for Elaine’s cheek. Elaine drew back. With a soft sigh, Petra let her hand fall back to her chest. Elaine looked away from the hurt in her dark eyes and pushed herself to sit before she slid off the table. She reached into her bag and pulled out a soft fleece throw and covered Petra with it. Petra curled her fingers over the edge of the blanket and drew it up to her neck.

“I’ll get you some water.” Elaine fled the room, running from the wave of emotion threatening to pull her under.

In the kitchen, she poured a glass of water with trembling hands. So responsive. So perfect. She took everything. Only Robin has been able to tolerate that. What have I done? She hurried back to Petra. She lay with her eyes closed, curled on her side. Elaine touched her shoulder and she started. “Drink this.”

Petra took the glass from her and kept her eyes averted from Elaine’s face as she sipped her water.

Robin pushed through the door, her gaze swept over the scene before briefly connecting with Elaine’s. Lips pressed in a frim line, she backed out of the room. The swish of the kitchen door closing was loud in the silence between them.

Petra cleared her throat. “Well, I can see why they talk about you.” She took another sip of water.

Elaine traced her finger over the pattern on the tablecloth. “I’m not going ask if that’s a compliment.”

Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Sign Up for her email list here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 


Rainbow Snippet Jan 19-20

Hello Snippeteers!

This is my first snip for this year. I submitted the fifth book in my Rowan House series, Double Six, on Friday and I’m snuggled in with the snow and noodling my next book. I hope wherever you are you are safe and warm.

From Double Six:

Petra trailed her fingers over the stocks set into the floor. She paused beside the newest addition to the dungeon. A large polished wine cask mounted on its side, adorned with cuffs and chains to secure submissives over its wide curved surface. She drummed her fingers on the cask. “Victor’s Vineyard. I know this winery. I had no idea they offered anything besides wine.”

“They don’t. It’s a gift from a former client and her submissives. They commissioned it.” Elaine shifted in her chair and crossed her legs.

“She must have been very grateful.” Petra stopped next to an iron and wooden device resting against the wall. She side-eyed the antique torture cabinet. “An iron maiden?” Petra rested her hand on her hip and quirked her mouth at Elaine. “Really?”

“Just for the head fuck aspect, it’s not functional. I’ve considered having it modified so I could use it for seclusion. But my sister insists it would destroy its value as an antique. Pity.”

Petra sauntered to the top of the polished wood whipping post and drew her fingers over the top of the post. “This is fantastic.”

Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.


Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Sign Up for her email list here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 

Bring on 2019

This past year I wrote 59 blog posts, wrote and submitted three novel-length manuscripts, and two short stories. I also renovated a house and did eighty percent of the work myself. I have young children, a partner, and older parents with health issues that often require me to make an eight-hour drive to be there to help with their needs.
People ask me all the time if I sleep. The short answer is no, not much, but then I never have slept much more than six hours a night at any point in my life.
I also don’t watch television, or movies very much. I also left my part-time job this year as healthcare worker after 31 years, and that affords me more time to write. I am also extremely fortunate to enjoy excellent health.
Why tell all of you this? Because I’ve read the most incredibly stupid advice to writers about all the things you must do if you want to “be serious” about your career.
The types of articles and posts that contain this type of advice assume that what works/worked for them will work for everyone. This is not true. I’m going to say it louder for folks in the back THIS IS NOT TRUE!
Every writer is unique, what works for me, will most likely not work for you. I have wicked ADHD, which is why I don’t sleep and am driven to keep doing something, to move, to think, to create when most neurotypical folks are resting or sleeping.
I also tend to hyperfocus which means I can write in the middle of a busy street, or my living room surrounded by my family with all kinds of chaos going on. It doesn’t mean that I’m more serious than the next person it only means I have found a way to work that works for me.
And this is my advice for folks for 2019, find a way that works for you. Go ahead and read the books, try different methods, explore your options, and in the end trust yourself. You do you. My second bit of advice, please for all that’s good in the world and your sanity, don’t compare your output to anyone else.
The same folks who want to tell you that you must write every day like to say “we all have the same 24 hours a day.”
I want to point out that is not true. My 24 hours do not look like your 24 hours. We each have unique responsibilities and time constraints, physical and mental abilities, that make our 24 hours what they are, and yes we can control some of what our 24 hours look like, but work and family obligations are often beyond our control, as a mom of twins, trust me, even with the best-laid plans, two kids with fevers wreck your day, and may wreck your week!
My wish for everyone out there is to have a happy, sane and healthy New Year, filled with joy and that you accomplish your goals your way.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Sign up for her email list  here  www.brendalmurphy.com

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories 

Rainbow Snippet December 15-16

Hello Snippeteers!

This will be my last Rainbow Snippet for the year. I’m taking two weeks off to enjoy the holidays with family. Whatever you have planned for this weekend be sure to include some time just for you. Today’s snip is from my WIP Elaine’s story, book five in the Rowan House series. I’ve just finished the first draft so please excuse any errors. 

From Elaine’s story:

 A soft tap at the door, Petra’s gardenia perfume tickled Elaine’s nose and she ignored the knock, willing Petra to go away and leave her in peace to gather up the bits of her shattered heart.

Another knock, more insistant than the first. “I’m not receiving,” Elaine shouted.

“Open the door.”

“Go away. Is that more clear?” Elaine covered her face with her hands.

“We need to talk, and hiding is not going to make it better.”

“Thank you, doctor. Tell me where to send your final bill.” Elaine rested her arms on her knees and leaned back against the door.

“I’m not leaving until we talk.”

The thump and vibration of what had to be Petra’s shoulder against the door shook the door where Elaine leaned against it and rattled the knob.

“Open the door, Elaine. Now.”

“Or what?”

An explosive kick against the door rattled the hinges.

This door is older than you are, and if you damage it, I will take it out of your skin.”

Another kick, louder than the first made Elaine jump to her feet,  she twisted the deadbolt knob and yanked the door open. Not caring if the murderous thoughts in her head were reflected on her face.

Petra strolled past her and turned to face her.

“I didn’t invite you in.”

What are you? A vampire? For fucks sake, Elaine, stop acting like you’re thirteen and just lost your first girlfriend.”

Elaine slammed the door shut. “It that supposed to be therapeutic? Make me angry, so I stop feeling sad?”

“If you were honest, none of this would have happened.”

“Oh, so it’s my fault?”


Elaine clenched her hands into fists. “What?”

Petra’s gaze was steady. “If you were honest about how you feel about Robin, you would have never given her to me. And she would never have agreed.”

Rainbow Snippets( https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/)is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this groupyou’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.

Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys.  When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot.  She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted.    You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.  Or if Twitter is your thing follow @BMurphySideshow  

Sign up for my email list at  www.brendalmurphy.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Writing-While-Distracted

Books available at


NineStar Press

Knotted Legacy

Both Ends of the Whip


Sum of the Whole 
















