Rainbow Snippet March 17-18

This week’s snippet comes from my third novel, Both Ends of the Whip, slated for release in May with NineStar Press. It was inspired by a tour of an amazing woman-owned and operated organic vineyard in northern Italy. I sketched a brief outline of this story in my journal on the ride back from our day trip.

From Both Ends of the Whip

She rolled open the door to the barn and shut it after her. The door to her office was half open. Vivian was sitting in the desk chair, her long legs stretched out in front of her and crossed at the ankles. Vivian. Waiting for me. She pushed the door to the office open wide and stood in the doorway resting her hand on the frame.

Vivian looked up at her. On the desk were two glasses and a dusty bottle. “Do you like cognac?”

“You always keep your cognac in the barn?” She moved to the chair next to the desk and sat down across from Vivian.

“Miriam liked a nip after a ride.”

“She sounds like I would have liked her.”

“Yes. I think you two would have liked each other very much.” She filled two shot glasses.

The cognac is the same color as her eyes. So beautiful. Octavia picked up her glass. “To old friends and new beginnings.”

Vivian raised her glass and touched it to Octavia’s before she took a sip. She licked her lower lip. She raised her glass. “To love’s memory.”

Rainbow Snippets https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).

In this group, you’ll find anything from romance and historical fiction to mystery and YA. The common thread is that every story’s main character identifies as LGBTQ+. The snippets could range from zero flames to full-on sexytimes, anything goes content-wise. The only rule is snippets will be 6 sentences long–one for each color in the Pride flag.


Brenda Murphy writes short stories and novels. She is a member of Romance Writers of America. Her nonfiction and short fiction have been published in various collections. Her most recent novel, One was published by NineStar Press. When she is not swilling gallons of hot tea and writing, she wrangles two dogs, twins, and an unrepentant parrot. She writes about life, books, and writing on her blog, https://www.brendalmurphy.com/blog.html

Website: www.brendalmurphy.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Writing-While-Distracted

Books available at


NineStar Press


Sum of the Whole 

Dominique and Other Stories






9 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippet March 17-18

  1. That sounds like a wonderful trip! I’m working on blending some of my own travels into my stories, so this is good inspiration. And it seems like more motorcycling may be involved?

    Good luck on your release!

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